Holton’s Power Plant

Ira Harrison

Ira Harrison- Holton’s Electric Production Superintendent

The charming City of Holton hosted KMEA Executive Committee and Power Supply Committee meetings on Wednesday, March 16, 2016. The meetings were held at the Power Plant.

Holton’s Power Plant has been in service for over 100 years. It is composed of eight dual-fuel power generators that can provide up to 21 megawatts of energy. Three of the units are registered in the SPP Market. The oldest unit was installed in 1958 and the newest in 2000. Currently, the Power Plant employs seven full-time and three part-time employees.

The City of Holton is a member of EMP3 and is also part of the GRDA and WAPA projects.Holton

Ira Harrison is the Electric Production Superintendent at the Holton Power Plant. On April 1st he will complete 33 years of dedicated service at the Power Plant. Ira is a KMEA Board of Director, an active member of the EMP3 group and also on the Power Supply Committee.

KMEA staff appreciates Holton’s hospitality. We thank Bret Bauer, City Manager, Ira Harrison and all Power Plant employees for hosting our meetings and for the delicious steaks they kindly grilled for lunch.