Garnett’s Capital Improvements

Garnett pictureThe City of Garnett has recently completed the replacement of a city distribution line from their south substation to the newly constructed hospital. The new line includes the addition of one new circuit and the upgrades of two 4160 circuits and one 2400 circuit. The new circuit was built with 477 ACSR wire to allow the city to tie into the north substation in the future which would allow the city to be fed from both directions. The poles and the three circuits that were upgraded date back to 1942. The new line is about one mile in length and cost approximately $500,000.

In addition to electrical upgrades, the city is installing a new sewer pump station to service the north side of Garnett. A 10 year improvement plan has been approved by the City Commission, which will see a minimum of $100,000 per year spent for improvements to Garnett’s collector system.

Finally, the City Commission has hired Ponzer & Youngquist Engineers to develop plans for a new water treatment plant. A preliminary plan has been provided for commission review. Their engineer and the city’s water plant superintendent have been busy touring new water plants to make sure they recommend the right facility for Garnett.