Jodi Wade Receives the Ron Huxman “Distinguished Service Award ”
This award was established in 2016, in honor of Ron Huxman. Ron played a leading role in the day-to-day activities of the agency, as well as serving as President, Executive Committee member and Joint Board member. The award honors his contributions to KMGA and is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and devoted service to both KMGA and to the Municipal Natural Gas Industry.
This year’s recipient of the Ron Huxman award was Jodi Wade, the City Clerk of the City of LaCygne. Jodi has played a crucial role in various aspects of city management, from budgeting and staffing to maintenance and community projects. Her tenure as City Clerk has seen her participate in many city projects including a major water project, a major sewer project, a CCLIP intersection project, and currently a sewer lagoon project in addition to a pending application for a grant to tackle a water plant project. Jodi’s dedication to her community is also evident in her contributions to local recreation, which includes the development of new public facilities.
Jodi Wade possesses an unwavering work ethic and passion for public service, and she is a great example of the lasting impact that an individual with a heart for service can have on their community. Her presence in her role as City Clerk serves as an inspiration for her city and community and extols the virtues of adaptability, perseverance, and the enduring power of community involvement.
Born into a tight-knit military family, she lived in several places growing up including Hawaii, New Jersey, and Oklahoma. A graduate of Oklahoma State University, Jodi has worked in various service-driven fields from outdoor education programs to City pool management to YMCA Program Director, before becoming deputy clerk in 2018 and City Clerk January 1st of 2019, She enjoys spending time with her daughter, Harley, family and friends. Staying active whether that be on the golf course, kayaking or even skydiving.
Troy Blanton Receives the Mike Gilliland “Honor Award ”
In 2016, KMGA established this award in honor of Mike Gilliland. He played a leading role in the agency serving multiple terms as President, Vice President, and Executive Committee Member. The award honors his contributions to KMGA and is to recognize an employee of a KMGA member city who has, over a period of years, demonstrated outstanding performance and made significant local contributions to their municipal utility.
This year’s recipient of Mike Gilliland award was Troy Blanton, the Gas Superintendent for the City of Winfield.
Troy began his career with the city as an operator in the gas department in 1994. By 2016, he’d advanced to the role of gas supervisor, a position where he continues to excel. He played a crucial role in a major project to replace bare steel in the city’s gas system, and still oversees that task today. His expertise was invaluable during the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) conversion project, where he leveraged his extensive knowledge of the gas distribution system and various meter models. His community involvement extends beyond his immediate duties; he was heavily involved in creating and maintaining a state-wide Operations Qualification project for Kansas municipalities, dedicating countless hours to navigating the rules set by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).
Troy was born and raised in Wichita, he moved to the family farm near Cambridge after graduation. He then dedicated 30 years to raising cattle and cultivating soybeans, milo and wheat. He recently stepped back from farming to enjoy more time hunting, fishing, and taking orders from his spirited 4-year-old granddaughter.
His dedication to community, family and service makes him a respected figure in all aspects of his life both personally and professionally.