Entries by KMEA

“Better to be busy than to be busy worrying”

“Better to be busy than to be busy worrying” – a quote I once heard that couldn’t be more appropriate for KMEA over the last few months. We all have been busy worrying as the world is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and we at KMEA are no exception. Many hours of contemplation have taken […]

“Next Up” City of Russell!

                The City of Dighton/KMEA Line Maintenance Program continues this week  with the support of the City of Russell.  Thanks to Jon Quinday, City Manager and Duane Banks, Electric Utility Director for allowing a crew from their city to cover the needs of the City of Dighton and […]

Garden City Crew Continues to Support KMEA!

​ ​ The Garden City Electric Department continues to support the KMEA Lineman Services effort in the City of Dighton.  Mike Muirhead, Public Utilities Director and Cliff Sonnenberg, Electric Superintendent have helped spearhead this first phase by allowing a crew from their city to cover the first ten days of services for the city giving […]

Russell City Council Approves Energy Rate Decrease

Over the past few years, the city, working with the Kansas Municipal Energy Agency, has secured lower energy costs through new power supply contracts and taking advantage of the integrated power market. Each month the historical and current operating expenses, plus revenue and expense projections, are reviewed to forecast required energy rates accurately. In October […]

National Lineman Appreciation Day – April 18, 2020

Not every holiday’s lucky enough to have a classic pop song attached to it.  But that’s exactly how things turned out for National Lineman Appreciation Day. “I am a lineman for the county And I drive the main road Searchin’ in the sun for another overload…” Jimmy Webb wrote “Wichita Lineman” in 1968 and Glen Campbell recorded […]