Board Meetings

KMEA and KMGA Board of Directors meetings were held on Wednesday, May 4th in Wichita, KS in

conjunction with KMU Conference.  There were 22 KMGA Cities represented during the KMGA Board meeting and 39 KMEA Cities during the KMEA Board meeting.

The preliminary 2017 Budget was reviewed for both KMEA and KMGA.

New elections were made for the officers and at- large positions for both KMGA and KMEA Executive Committees.

J.R. Hatfield from the City of Halstead was nominated KMGA President, Randy Frazer from the City of Moundridge was nominated KMGA Vice President, and Laura Hill from Kechi was nominated KMGA Secretary/Treasurer. Gary Emry from the City of Hesston and Gus Collins from the City of Winfield were nominated for the at-large positions on the KMGA Executive Committee.

Duane Banks from the City of Russell was nominated KMEA President, Mike Muirhead from the City of Garden City was nominated KMEA Vice President, and Bob Mills from the City of Garnett was nominated KMEA Secretary/Treasurer. Dennis Tharp from the City of Ottawa, Ira Harrison from the City of Holton and Jonathan Mitchell from the City of Hoisington were nominated for the at-large positions on the KMEA Executive Committee.

Bob Mills from the City of Garnett was nominated as KMEA Representative on the Joint Board.

We appreciate KMEA and KMGA Board of Directors for attending the meeting and serving on the Board and also all of the officers and at-large members of the Executive Committees for their time and dedication.


City Visits and Meetings



It was a very busy week!  On Tuesday, the EMP1 meeting and KMEA Executive Committee meeting were held in the City of Ottawa at the City Hall. A visit to the Ottawa’s Power Plant concluded the afternoon.

KMEA staff traveled to the City of Garden City on Wednesday. On the way to Garden City staff visited the Cities of Ashland and Meade. Thursday morning there was a tour of Jameson Energy Center. Following the tour, the EMP2 meeting was held at the Garden City Utility Service Center.

KMEA staff took the opportunity to visit the City of Jetmore on Thursday and the Cities of Hoisington and Russell on Friday.










A Day of Meetings

Last Wednesday, April 20th KMEA staff traveled to McPherson, Kansas. The City is centrally located and makes a great meeting
point for our members. The meetings were held at the McPherson Board of Public Utilities building.

The day started with a Finance Committee Meeting followed by KMEA and KMGA Executive Committee meetings. In all of three meetings Chester
Moye, auditor from RubinBrown, reviewed the Audit Report for the year of 2015. The Committees also reviewed and recommended several items that will be presented to the KMEA and KMGA Full Board of Directors for approval. The next Board of Directors meeting will be on May 4th in Wichita, Kansas during the KMU Annual Conference.

We appreciate McPherson BPU for its hospitality and kindness in allowing KMEA to hold meetings in its beautiful facility.

KMEA Executive Committee Meeting

KMGA Executive Committee

2015 Annual Report

annual report


The 2015 Annual Report is ready!

In the Annual Report you will find information about projects, the Member Cities, the Executive Committees, the Audited Financials and highlights of 2015.

The Annual Report will be distributed to our members at KMEA and KMGA Board of Directors meetings in Wichita on May 4, 2016. The Board of Directors meetings will be in conjunction with KMU Conference.

We thank all of our member cities for providing important information necessary for the completion of our 2015 Annual Report.

Marshall Wind Farm

marshallFour EMP1 cities are one step closer to full participation in KMEA’s first renewable energy electricity resource, the new Marshall Wind Farm.  Located in northeast Kansas in Marshall County, the 72 MW facilities is comprised of thirty-six, 2 MW V110 Vestas turbines.

Earlier this week important milestones in the installation and testing at the site were achieved, including successful performance testing of at least five of the Wind Turbine Generators (WTG).  As a result, the Partial Commercial Operation Date was set at March 23, 2016.  Full Commercial Operation is expected by April 30, 2016.

KMEA is party to a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement with Marshall Wind Energy, LLC and has Power Sales Agreements the EMP1 cities of Baldwin City (1 MW), Gardner (2.5 MW), Garnett (1 MW), Ottawa (2.5 MW).

KMEA is one of four project participants along with Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission (20 MW), Kansas Power Pool (25 MW), and the City of Independence, MO (20 MW).

Holton’s Power Plant

Ira Harrison

Ira Harrison- Holton’s Electric Production Superintendent

The charming City of Holton hosted KMEA Executive Committee and Power Supply Committee meetings on Wednesday, March 16, 2016. The meetings were held at the Power Plant.

Holton’s Power Plant has been in service for over 100 years. It is composed of eight dual-fuel power generators that can provide up to 21 megawatts of energy. Three of the units are registered in the SPP Market. The oldest unit was installed in 1958 and the newest in 2000. Currently, the Power Plant employs seven full-time and three part-time employees.

The City of Holton is a member of EMP3 and is also part of the GRDA and WAPA projects.Holton

Ira Harrison is the Electric Production Superintendent at the Holton Power Plant. On April 1st he will complete 33 years of dedicated service at the Power Plant. Ira is a KMEA Board of Director, an active member of the EMP3 group and also on the Power Supply Committee.

KMEA staff appreciates Holton’s hospitality. We thank Bret Bauer, City Manager, Ira Harrison and all Power Plant employees for hosting our meetings and for the delicious steaks they kindly grilled for lunch.

Joint EMP Advisory Committee


KMEA Executive Committee approved the formation of a new Committee at their December 16, 2015 meeting.  The Joint EMP Advisory Committee is composed of two members from each EMP. The representatives to serve on the Committee were appointed by each of their EMP groups.

EMP1 Representatives

Dennis Tharp -City Ottawa (Chair)

John Krievins- City of Gardner

EMP2 Representatives

Kenny Kreutzer- City of Pratt

Manny Milbers- City of Beloit

EMP3 Representatives

Bret Bauer- City of Holton (Vice Chair)

Lou Leone- City of Kiowa


The purpose of the Joint EMP Advisory Committee is to provide advice to the KMEA Executive Committee for matters that are common across all of the EMP groups.

The Joint EMP Advisory Committee received its first task from the KMEA Executive Committee on January 20, 2016 which was to draft and issue a Request-for-Proposal for energy management services for KMEA. The Committee met for the first time on February 9, 2016 in the City of Ottawa.

KMEA appreciates each member of the Joint Advisory Committee for their dedication and service on this newly formed Committee.


Our Visit To GRDA

Photo 3-4-16


Last week the KMEA staff travelled to Vinita, Oklahoma to visit with the management team at the GRDA Headquarters. We were given the presentation from the customer appreciation meeting which proved to be very helpful information. The presentation included the 10 year financial projections including the projected energy costs through 2025. We visited about a variety of things and we appreciated the open and casual dialogue. KMEA has been partnered with GRDA to provide cost based capacity and energy since January 2000. Thanks to Dan, Tim and the entire management team at GRDA for their hospitality.

Burrton Joins KMGA

Pictured left to right: Dixie Riedel, KMGA Director of Natural Gas, Burton Utility Director, Jon Roberts and City Clerk, Kim Ryan

Pictured left to right: Dixie Riedel, KMGA Director of Natural Gas, Burton Utility Director, Jon Roberts and City Clerk, Kim Ryan

This week KMGA staff had an opportunity to visit the City of Burrton for new member orientation. We met with City Clerk, Kim Ryan, and Utility Director, Jon Roberts. During the orientation we reviewed the monthly invoicing process and walked them through the rate calculation spreadsheets created for Burrton. Additional items covered included load projecting, data KMGA will compile for Burrton, and an overview of the annual conference of member cities.

The City of Burrton will begin purchasing natural gas from KMGA on April 1st. We warmly welcome Burrton as the newest KMGA member and look forward to serving them well into the future.

Natural Gas Pricing

iStock Gas PhotoOn Thursday the EIA reported that natural gas storage dropped 158 Bcf for the week ending February 12th.  Analysts’ expected a withdrawal volume between 149-153 Bcf. Stocks remain 555 Bcf above the 5-year average. Gas prices continue to tumble as the biggest stockpile glut since 2012 threatens to overwhelm demand for the second half of the heating season.

Overall the average price of gas is down 19 percent since the first of the year. In its latest six to ten-day update, the National Weather Service, Tuesday, is predicting above-average temperatures across most of the continental US.

March futures contract fell 4.6 % on Thursday, to settle at $1.852 per MMBtu. The March futures contract is down $0.30 since February 1st.  Total US natural gas production has risen to record levels this February.  Production has increased by 1.7 Bcf per day over last February and a 0.6 Bcf per day over January.