Out and About

Staff left Overland Park Wednesday morning to visit six KMGA member cities over the next two days.  The first stop was at the City of Howard, where they met with Becky Oakleaf, Ernest Tousley, and Kevin Mitchell.  The next destination was the City of Winfield.  At Winfield staff met with Gus Collins and James Ging.  Jim Neal also provided a tour of Winfield’s power plant facility.

On Thursday staff met with Amber Kummer and Larry Berry with the City of Anthony.  From Anthony they traveled to Attica to meet with Suzann Shippy.  The next stop was in Argonia to meet with city clerk Mindy Mages.  The final stop was at the Wellington power plant.  There, staff met with Roger Estes and Ryan HainThe visits included reviewing historical usage data, looking at current rate calculation processes, discussing services and assistance that KMGA can provide, as well as making note of our upcoming Annual Conference in November. We thank everyone for taking time to visit with us.  It is always very beneficial and productive to meet with member cities.