A Great Week!

CapitolThis has been a busy but very productive week. On Tuesday staff attended the KMU Day at the Capitol along with the staff of KMU, KPP, and other city representatives.  It was a great opportunity to learn about the issues affecting public utilities that will be considered during this year’s legislative session. The most prominent issue is the State budget and how the lawmakers plan to close the gap between income and spending not only in the current fiscal year but in the coming years. There are several issues on the utility front not the least of which is the EPA Clean Power Plan. We heard from Gary Mason of the KDHE about how KDHE and KCC are working together to craft a plan for Kansas that is acceptable to the EPA. We learned of other issues including new water rules and regulations and the latest on Kansas’ approach to Cyber security for power plants. We also attended a KMEA Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday in Topeka and an EMP3 meeting on Thursday in Seneca. What a great week and we really enjoyed seeing everyone.