Results of Member Services Survey

by Paul Mahlberg, General Manager

As part of the Strategic Planning effort that is underway for our two agencies (KMEA and KMGA), potential new and expanded member services was identified as a strategic area of focus. With that in mind, a survey was sent out last month to each member city requesting feedback on which type of service is most needed or desired. We received responses from a good percentage of the membership from both agencies and there was a common theme. System maintenance and cost-of-service/rate studies were at the top of both lists.

KMEA Top Priorities KMGA Top Priorities
1 System Maintenance 1 System Maintenance
2 Cost of Service/Rate Studies 2 Joint Purchasing/ Inventory Mmgt.
3 Project Management 3 Cost of Service/Rate Studies
4 Legal & Regulatory Support 4 Expanded OQ Support
5 Legislative Support 5 System GIS Mapping
6 Financing 6 Financing


Staff is currently working with the Executive Committees to come up with potential solutions/programs for some of the items listed above where KMEA and KMGA could implement to help out the member cities. We appreciate the challenges that our members face day in and day out and are hopeful that we can provide some assistance in a few of the areas above. I will be presenting the overall strategic plan during our May board meetings and will be able to provide further updates at that time. Stay tuned!