Why are solar PPA prices creeping upward? It’s complicated, experts say

Intense demand from corporations and governments appears to be outstripping the market’s ability to provide solar installations, but experts say other factors are also driving the recent uptick.

City of Arma Substation Work Begins!

The construction of the new substation for the City of Arma has begun.  In the photo, Mike Schmaderer, Director of Engineering and Field Services is discussing the process with a representative from Altitude Energy who has been contracted to complete the installation of the structure.

Colin Hansen installed as chair of the APPA Board of Directors

Colin Hansen, executive director of Kansas Municipal Utilities (KMU) in McPherson, Kansas, was installed as chair of the American Public Power Association Board of Directors during APPA’s National Conference in Orlando, Florida, on June 23.

Bob Mills Honored for 37 Years of City Service on May 27th

Bob Mills, Director of Electric Production, is retiring after 37 years of service with the City of Garnett.  A special reception will be held in his honor on Thursday, May 27th, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Garnett Fire Station.  The public is invited to join the City staff during Thursday’s reception to thank Bob for his many years of dedicated service to the Garnett community.

In November of 1984, Bob began his career with the City as a Power Plant Operator.  He was promoted to Acting Assistant Superintendent of the Garnett Power Plant in 1989 and assumed the position of Acting Power Plant Superintendent in 1992.  In 1993, Bob was named Superintendent of the Power Plant.  After receiving his OSHA Certification in 2009, the title of Safety Director was added to his duties.  In March of 2015, Bob was promoted to Director of Electric Production.

The City of Russell is Hiring Power Plant Operator!

The City of Russell is seeking professional and community oriented individuals for a full-time Power Plant Operator position.

The City of Russell offers a very progressive benefit package. Benefits include vacation and sick leave, uniforms, family health insurance, family dental and vision plans, KPERS retirement program, and several other optional benefit programs.

The City of Russell is Hiring Electric Journeyman Lineman!

The City of Russell is seeking professional and community-oriented individuals for a full-time Certified Journeyman Lineman position.

The City of Russell offers a very progressive benefit package. Benefits include vacation and sick leave, uniforms, family health insurance, family dental and vision plans, KPERS retirement program, and several other optional benefit programs.

The City of Russell is Hiring Electric Distribution Superintendent

The City of Russell is seeking professional and community-oriented individuals for a full-time Electric Distribution Superintendent position.

The City of Russell offers a very progressive benefit package. Benefits include vacation and sick leave, uniforms, family health insurance, family dental and vision plans, KPERS retirement program, and several other optional benefit programs.

Back to Normal?

On the heels of the pandemic, the extreme February weather event was not the welcome we all wanted or needed to 2021. We would like to believe that things are moving slowly back to normal for all of us. Every utility throughout the Midwest was affected by Winter Storm Uri. Natural gas and electric utilities were most affected by this unwelcome event and the impact will be felt for years. Unfortunately, the result of this event falls on the shoulders of the rate payers.

Paying Less with Public Power

City of Ottawa Utilities Department Recognized for Reliable Electric Service

The City of Ottawa Utilities Department has received national recognition for achieving exceptional electric reliability in 2020. The recognition comes from the American Public Power Association (APPA), a trade group that represents more than 2,000 not-for-profit, community-owned electric utilities.