Where We Came from and Where We Are Going

We are quickly approaching the end of the year that marked the 40th Anniversary of KMEA. I wanted to have one more look back at where KMEA came from and the cities that made this exceptional agency possible today.

We have found the “Minutes of Annual Meeting of Members of Northwest Kansas Power Agency.” These minutes are from a meeting held at the Ramada Inn in Colby, Kansas on April 27, 1976. This meeting occurred approximately four years before KMEA was created by State Law.

Sharing public education resources in December

To help raise awareness of public power in your community, we encourage you to join APPA and other public power utilities across the country in sharing public education resources in December. We’ve listed some helpful resources below that you can use in your social media posts, newsletters, and other customer communications. Use the hashtags listed below the resources as well as #PublicPower. You can also simply repost/retweet/share every day from our FacebookTwitter, and Instagram feeds.

Happy Holidays from Public Power

Community Powered New Year Resolutions Toolkit

Holiday Safety Social Media Toolkit

Winter Energy Saving Tips

NWS Winter Safety

Resolve to be Ready Social Media Toolkit

You can find lists of other days of the year that you can leverage for social media content here and here.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact us at News@PublicPower.org.

WAPA, Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska and others to evaluate SPP membership

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) on Nov. 12 reported that it has received letters from several western power entities committing to evaluate membership in the organization.

If they pursue membership, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Deseret Power Electric Cooperative, the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN), Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, and Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) would become the first members of SPP’s regional transmission organization to place facilities in the Western Interconnection under the terms and conditions of SPP’s open access transmission tariff.

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KMEA/Dighton Line Crew Assists with Community Veterans Banners

The idea of creating banners for Veterans came about when the teachers in the Dighton School District were trying to come up with a cross-curricular activity.

The Graphic Design students designed the template for the banners and the entire school voted for the final one, MJ’s Stitching & Screening printed and prepped the banners for hanging and the KMEA Staff was excited to play a small role in hanging the banners.

The Changing Electric Industry

In the last 15 years the electric industry has evolved the most through the changing mix in resources for electric generation. In the 1980s, 1990s, and into the 2000s the building of coal plants was a thing of the times. Nuclear was struggling due mainly to massive cost overruns for nearly every nuclear project that was undertaken. Coal plants were reliable (and still are), and a known technology making them less complicated to build than nuclear.

KMGA Gas Services Project

Through the Kansas Municipal Gas Agency(KMGA) strategic planning process and continued discussions with our members, KMGA realized the need for many of our cities to have access to help with required gas services in the operations of a natural gas system.

In an effort to provide support and aid with this need, KMGA is pleased to inform you of our “Gas Services Project”. 

City of Garden City Wins Excellence in Public Power Communications Award!

Forty-two public power electric utilities and utility organizations earned Excellence in Public Power Communications Awards from the American Public Power Association. The awards were presented during APPA’s virtual Customer Connections Conference (October 27-28).

KMEA and KMGA Boards Meet Virtually!

KMEA and KMGA Board of Directors meetings were conducted virtually for the first time ever on October 29th. The meetings were well attended with 31 cities participating in the KMGA meeting and 41 in the KMEA meeting. 

KMU Power Plant Operator Workshop

Kansas Municipal Utilities is pleased to offer public power generation personnel our annual Power Plant Operator Workshop.

Utility scale battery costs down about 70%, according to the EIA

The costs of utility scale battery storage in the United States fell about 70% between 2015 and 2018, according to data compiled by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), a part of the Department of Energy…