KMEA Staff Visits Hillsboro, Marion and Galva

KMEA Staff visited the cities of Galva, Hillsboro and Marion on Monday November 21st.  Gerry Bieker, Manager of Member Services and Tom Saitta, Director of Operations met with Lori Tector, City Clerk for the City of Galva, Larry Paine, City Administrator for the City of Hillsboro and Roger Holter, City Administrator for the City of Marion.

hillsboro mariongalva


Centennial Awards

Three Communities were acknowledged at the 2016 KMEA Annual Conference. They are Commemorating 100 years of Municipal Electric Service and Honoring the Community Visionaries Who Founded the City’s Electric Utility!  Congratulations to Larned, Sterling and Garden City.

Award Accepted by Ralph Streit, Electric Production Superintendent, City of Larned

Taggart Wall- City of Sterling

Award Accepted by Taggart Wall, City Manager, City of Sterling

Cliff Sonnenberg- City of Garden City

Award Accepted by Cliff Sonnenberg, Electric Superintendent, City of Garden City

The Chairs?

The Chairs came to life at the 2016 KMEA Annual Conference.  Winning tickets were placed under chairs ahead of the Awards Banquet and four lucky individuals chose the right place to sit and won some great prizes!

Marshall Wind Farm Tour

img_2503On  Tuesday the EMP1 members who take energy from Marshall Wind Farm were provided a tour by members of BHE Renewables and the onsite Vestas manager. The group listened to a presentation of the layout and various statistics of the wind farm before visiting the control room. The automation of the turbines is very advanced to the point that they respond in numerous ways to the wind direction, wind speed, wind gusts, and other environmental variables. Next came a visit to a wind turbine itself. The Vestas manager, Austin, opened the access door and invited everyone in look at the generator control panel, switchgear, access ladder and so forth. The towers are quite large and very impressived to visit. Our thanks to Tom and Janet of the BHE staff and Austin from Vestas for taking time to provide us with such an interesting tour and lunch.

KMEA Operations – 24 Hour Desk is now Operational

On September 29th at noon, KMEA took a big step at “creating our future”; we now are the sole point of contact for our cities and counterparts.  Call the desk at 913-901-6224 and you will be talking to your staff of David, DJ, Garrett, Kent, and Paula.

paula david garrett

Unique Advertising for “Farm City Days” in Iola

iola-farm-city-days2 iola-farm-city-days1

Gerry Bieker, Manager of Member Services could not pass up sharing “Farm City Days” in Iola. The Angry Bird themed Event is advertised locally with these impressive “Home Grown” Birds.  “Farm City Days” has been an ongoing event for many years in Iola according to Corey Schinstock, Iola Assistant City Administrator. The event includes a carnival, food and 2 days of music on the square and runs October 6th through the 9th.

KMEA Staff Visits Eudora and Iola

KMEA Staff visited the cities of Eudora and Iola on Thursday September 29th.  Member Services met with Mike Hutto, Director of Public Works for Eudora first thing in the morning and Sid Fleming, City Administrator and Corey Schinstock, Assistant City Administrator later in the day in Iola.


KMEA Staff Visits Chapman and Enterprise

Jay Newton, Interim City AdministratorKMEA Staff visited the cities of Chapman and Enterprise on Wednesday September 28th.  Jay Newton, Interim City Administrator, Bobby Kamm, Public Works Director and the Staff for Chapman as well as Paul Froelich, City Superintendent for Enterprise took time out of their schedules to visit with us about a wide array of topics including the upcoming Annual Conference.

Erin Tilton