A little bit about the EMP1

Energy Management Project No. 1 (EMP1) was officially created in January 2006, by a set of agreements between KMEA and five member cities: Baldwin City, Gardner, Garnett, Osawatomie, and Ottawa. In 2016 the city of Pomona joined the group and in 2017 the city of Prescott became a member.

The participating cities share capacity and exchange energy at agreed upon pricing, while jointly planning future electric power supplies. EMP1 utilize KMEA operations central dispatch center.  Under the EMP1 agreements, project cities’ loads are forecasted and aggregated to a single load which is then submitted to the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) for clearing in the Integrated Marketplace (IM).  Additionally, each city’s resources, whether contracted or generation, are scheduled or offered in the IM.  KMEA also manages transmission congestion hedges as specified by protocols developed by each EMP group.

The EMP1 group meets monthly. This month the group met on March 28th at the KMEA office in Overland Park. During the meeting KMEA staff shared a monthly load cost review for each city individually, TCR (Transmission Congestion Right) reports, SPP integrated Marketplace review, and more. Jeff Oleson, the Assistant Director of Utilities for the City of Ottawa is the EMP1 Chair currently and Joe Owens, the Director of Electric Generation for the City of Garnett is the vice-chair.

The EMP1′ s resources include Buckeye Wind, Dogwood, GRDA, Marshall Wind, SPA and WAPA.