Entries by KMEA

The Changing Electric Industry

In the last 15 years the electric industry has evolved the most through the changing mix in resources for electric generation. In the 1980s, 1990s, and into the 2000s the building of coal plants was a thing of the times. Nuclear was struggling due mainly to massive cost overruns for nearly every nuclear project that was undertaken. Coal plants were reliable (and still are), and a known technology making them less complicated to build than nuclear.

KMGA Gas Services Project

Through the Kansas Municipal Gas Agency(KMGA) strategic planning process and continued discussions with our members, KMGA realized the need for many of our cities to have access to help with required gas services in the operations of a natural gas system.

In an effort to provide support and aid with this need, KMGA is pleased to inform you of our “Gas Services Project”. 

KMEA and KMGA Boards Meet Virtually!

KMEA and KMGA Board of Directors meetings were conducted virtually for the first time ever on October 29th. The meetings were well attended with 31 cities participating in the KMGA meeting and 41 in the KMEA meeting.