Entries by KMEA

Gil Hanson and Max Embree Award Recipients

The 2015 Gil Hanson Jr. Outstanding Service Award and Max Embree Distinguished Service Award were presented to two distinguished individuals, Greg DuMars and Duane Banks, respectively. We were honored to present the awards at the recent KMEA Annual Conference and we are privileged to recognize them here. Greg DuMars receives Gil Hanson Award   Greg has […]

KMEA Annual Conference Recap

Last week, November 5-6, member cities attended the 2015 KMEA Annual Conference in Wichita and according to feedback from many conference goers, it was a successful event. The number of attendees was markedly up from last year, filling the meeting room to capacity. The format of this year’s conference was a departure from the past, […]

Honoring our Veterans

To those of you who served in the U.S. Armed Forces who may be reading this, we want to take this opportunity to recognize, honor, and thank you for your service to our country. As we approach Veterans Day this Wednesday, and drive through our communities taking notice of the prevalent American flags, the symbol […]

Wes Keely Recognized for 40 Years of Service

Wes Keely, Gas Systems operator for the City of Winfield, recently received an award for 40 years of dedicated public service from the League of Kansas Municipalities at an awards luncheon. Wes’ career in public service is an interesting one to be sure, beginning in Winfield as a policeman in 1975 and then a fireman […]

Mike Muirhead Appointed Vice President of KMEA Executive Committee

Mike Muirhead, Public Utilities Director for Garden City, was appointed KMEA Executive Committee Vice President at the September 24th Executive Committee meeting. Mike has led Garden City through many improvements since he accepted his position in January of 2010. He was also quick to bring his leadership to KMEA, when he was appointed to the […]

KMEA Welcomes Kiowa

The City of Kiowa is the newest member city of KMEA as well as the EMP3 group. Kiowa was first accepted as a member of the EMP3 group at the September 4th EMP3 meeting and then became an official member of KMEA on October 9th. Kiowa has a population of 1,026 and is located in […]

Osawatomie to Upgrade their Electric Utility

The future looks bright for Osawatomie’s electric utility with the city council’s recent approval to issue $6.8 million in electric utility revenue bonds. The bonds will be used to finance upgrades to the energy generation and distribution system. The upgrades will really strengthen Osawatomie’s electric utility. The improvements include the purchase of seven two-megawatt diesel-engine […]

KMEA Conference around the corner – Register Today!

The KMEA November 5 -6, 2015 Annual Conference is just around the corner. It’s not too late to register! We are kicking off the conference with the KMGA and KMEA Board of Directors meetings, which start on Thursday, November 5th at 10:00 a.m. Registration will run from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. We are excited to […]

Joint EMP Meeting

Every month KMEA participates in the Energy Management Project Group meetings for EMP 1, EMP 2, and EMP 3, however, last week KMEA hosted a Joint EMP meeting, bringing all three EMPs together in Kansas City. The joint meeting was well attended and included a full agenda. KMEA kicked off the meeting with market report […]

Coffeyville Groundbreaking Ceremony

Wednesday was a momentous day for Coffeyville Municipal Light and Power (CMP&L) as local leaders, utility officials and dignitaries held a groundbreaking ceremony for Generation Facility No.2. Construction will officially begin October 12th and the new plant, located in the Coffeyville Industrial Park, is expected to be in operation by January 1, 2017. The construction […]