Russell City Council Approves Energy Rate Decrease

Over the past few years, the city, working with the Kansas Municipal Energy Agency,
has secured lower energy costs through new power supply contracts and taking
advantage of the integrated power market.
Each month the historical and current operating expenses, plus revenue and expense
projections, are reviewed to forecast required energy rates accurately. In October 2019,
this monthly review indicated the base energy rate could be lowered. To confirm this
indication, a $0.01 energy cost adjustment (ECA) credit began to be applied to
customer’s bills, effectively reducing their energy rate and cost. Customers would see
the credit on their monthly bill listed as “ECA Credit.”
Following six months of the ECA credit applied to customer’s bills, forecasts indicated a
$0.0125 per kWh decrease is sustainable. At their April 7, 2020 meeting, the City
Council adopted an ordinance lowering the base energy charge to all customer classes
by $0.0125 per kWh. This base rate decrease will provide even lower energy costs to
our customers. Beginning with the April 30, 2020 billing, the $0.01 ECA credit
customers saw on their bills between October and March, will be replaced with a
$0.0125 per kWh reduction in the base energy charge.
In these uncertain times, this action should provide a level of certainty to our customers
that their energy rates will remain at the reduced level they’ve seen the past six months,
plus an additional quarter-cent reduction.

Energy Rate Decrease Press Release

We Are #CommunityPowered

National Lineman Appreciation Day – April 18, 2020

Not every holiday’s lucky enough to have a classic pop song attached to it.  But that’s exactly how things turned out for National Lineman Appreciation Day.

I am a lineman for the county
And I drive the main road
Searchin’ in the sun for another overload…

Jimmy Webb wrote “Wichita Lineman” in 1968 and Glen Campbell recorded it later that year. “Rolling Stone” magazine ranked it at number 195 on a list of the 500 greatest songs of all time.

More on that later.

Linemen (and women) work on power or phone lines — keeping the current flowing to our homes and businesses. It’s a dangerous job. After 2012’s Hurricane Sandy, the 113th Congress passed a bill designating April 18 as National Lineman Appreciation Day…

Read More…

Saturday is National Lineworker Appreciation Day! From everyone at KMEA, we’d like to thank you for everything you do to keep our power safe and reliable! #ThankALineworker

City of Garden City Applies Credit to All Electric Accounts!

During Tuesday’s City Commission Meeting, the Commission approved to apply a credit to electric accounts with the City of Garden City.

This would not be possible if Garden City was not  #CommunityPowered !!

KMEA to Provide Electric Line Maintenance Services

Following in the direction of the 2019 KMEA Strategic Plan, KMEA will provide electric line maintenance services to one of its members, the City of Dighton, beginning on May 1, 2020. Under the two year agreement, KMEA will provide the labor for the operation and maintenance of the City’s distribution system. KMEA has been exploring providing these services to its members over the last several years and the City of Dighton will be the first member to receive these services.

The City has contracted for line maintenance service for over 20 years with the local rural electric cooperative and felt it was the right time to make a change. “We are excited about the new agreement with KMEA and believe this partnership with KMEA will provide us more control and involvement in maintenance and health of our electric system,” said Dighton’s Mayor Doyle Capra.

Initially, KMEA will hire one journeymen lineman to work closely with the City staff, with eventual plans to expand to a two person line crew by the end of the year.  Once the two man crew up is up and running, KMEA will be able to assist other members in western Kansas that need assistance with line maintenance and special electric system projects.

“We are excited that the City was willing to step out and allow KMEA to help them with regards to their system,” stated KMEA President, Mike Muirhead. “One of the top needs identified through a 2019 survey of our membership was line maintenance services. This is the kick start that was needed for us to begin providing these services to our membership and we hope to expand to other parts of the State in the future.”

City of Kiowa’s Efforts to Offset Economic Impacts from COVID-19

(Taken from the City of Kiowa Social Media Post from April 2nd)

In an effort to help our local businesses mitigate economic effects of COVID-19, every residential utility customer is receiving $15 in Kiowa Bucks, by mail, to use at our local establishments. Each customer will receive three $5 cards that can be used at any business permanently LOCATED in Kiowa that will accept them. Transient vendors do not apply. There are a few important notes about these cards. Vendors WILL NOT make change. If you pay for your $2 item with a $5 card you WILL NOT get $3 in return nor will you get the card back. These ARE NOT gift certificates. Secondly, these cannot be used to pay for any City services (utilities, permits, fines, etc.), and the cards must be used by Mother’s Day, May 10, 2020. Please drop by the local shops, grocery store, restaurants, gas stations, hardware, automotive stores/shops and help our small businesses out during these unprecedented times.

Yet another example of how we are #CommunityPowered    

Gardner City Council votes to give utility residential customers free month of electricity

(Taken from March 31st City of Gardner Social Media Post)

During last night’s special meeting held by the Gardner City Council, councilmembers voted to eliminate the electric charges that were billed in March for residential customers and credit commercial customers for the use of their first 5000 KW/h of electricity. The city initially changed its rate structure for electric services at the start of the year, which already gave more than 82 percent of its customers a two percent reduction.

“We know we have residents who are financially struggling with bills and other obligations due to the impacts of COVID-19,” said Gardner Mayor Steve Shute. “We are fortunate that we own our utilities, so we can authorize these changes and provide this much welcome relief for all in our community while they wait for federal government assistance.”

Eliminating a month’s worth of billing expenses to residential customers and covering up to 5000KW/h of electricity for businesses will cost the city approximately $790,000 in lost revenue.

“Our city has a robust electric fund that can absorb this loss of revenue, and we’ve purposely kept it strong to address any unforeseen issues that may impact our electric service,” Shute said. “While we’re not using this money to pay for an infrastructure upgrade or replacement project, we are doing whatever we can to help our residents and businesses get through this unforeseen pandemic. This is a time we have to take care of one another and that should start with leadership.”

Residential and commercial customers will automatically receive an adjustment for their March billed electric charges.

This is exactly what #CommunityPowered is all about!

City of Jetmore gets creative with Covid-19 Economic Support!

(Taken from March 26th City of Jetmore Social Media Post)

City of Jetmore Implements Local Economic Shot in the Arm:

In light of the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic difficulties many are experiencing, the City of Jetmore is mailing out today to all utility customers, coupons for purchase of goods and services from businesses within the city limits of Jetmore. Each utility customer will receive 2-$10 coupons. Though they are valid for use at any Jetmore business, it is our hope that they will be used in particular at those businesses most affected by the social distancing recommendation and state mandated group size limitations. Coupons not valid for payment of city utility bills nor tax bills with the county. Minimum purchase is for the face value of the coupon—no change is to be given by businesses to coupon users.

Each coupon is numbered and there are spaces for the user to write his or her name and the date on the coupon when redeeming. Businesses will submit collected coupons to the city for payment at the time of the May council meeting on May 7.

If all coupons are redeemed and submitted to the city for payment, the result will be an $8,460 contribution to the local economy. So have a meal on us, or a drink, or a roll or two of toilet paper.

Way to think outside of the box!  Jetmore!!



The City of Garden City Electrical Department has earned a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)®  Platinum designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service. Three years ago Garden City was recognized with a gold designation, and now has moved into a higher level of recognition.

The RP3 designation, which lasts for three years, recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. Criteria include sound business practices and a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity. Garden City joins more than 275 public power utilities nationwide that hold the RP3 designation.

“Receiving an RP3 designation is a great honor and demonstrates a utility’s commitment to implementing industry best practices in utility operations,” says Aaron Haderle, Chair of the Association’s RP3 Review Panel and Manager of Transmission and Distribution Operations at ‎Kissimmee Utility Authority, Florida. “RP3 utilities are consistently looking to improve their workforce, system reliability, and safety to serve their communities better.”

“This is a great honor,” said Mike Muirhead, Public Utilities Director for the City of Garden City “We take a lot of pride in the work we do to power our community. It’s nice to be recognized as among the ‘best of the best’ on a national level.”

This year we celebrate 30 years of Joint Action towards reliable and cost effective gas for KMGA Members! 

Comments from Gil Hanson on The Progress of Gas Joint Action in KS 1989 (2)