Florida Municipal Power Agency Voices Concerns About EPA Proposed Greenhouse Gas Rule

The Florida Municipal Power Agency recently filed comments with the Environmental Protection Agency voicing concerns about EPA’s proposed greenhouse gas rule for electric utilities.

The rule, which targets CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants, presents unique challenges in Florida, FMPA noted.

FMPA is a wholesale power agency owned by municipal electric utilities in Florida.

Florida relies on natural gas generation for 75% of its power supply, “by far the highest percentage in the United States. It would be one of the most impacted states by EPA’s proposed rule, which would introduce experimental ‘green’ hydrogen to partially fuel natural gas power plants by 2032,” FMPA said in a news release related to the comments.

The Florida Reliability Coordinating Council also filed comments on the proposed rule. The FRCC reported the rule would likely reduce natural gas generation levels between 20% to 40% for natural gas units, creating significant reliability risks in Florida, FMPA pointed out.

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