Entries by KMEA

KMEA to Provide Electric Line Maintenance Services

Following in the direction of the 2019 KMEA Strategic Plan, KMEA will provide electric line maintenance services to one of its members, the City of Dighton, beginning on May 1, 2020. Under the two year agreement, KMEA will provide the labor for the operation and maintenance of the City’s distribution system. KMEA has been exploring […]

City of Jetmore gets creative with Covid-19 Economic Support!

(Taken from March 26th City of Jetmore Social Media Post) City of Jetmore Implements Local Economic Shot in the Arm: In light of the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic difficulties many are experiencing, the City of Jetmore is mailing out today to all utility customers, coupons for purchase of goods and services from […]


The City of Garden City Electrical Department has earned a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)®  Platinum designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service. Three years ago Garden City was recognized with a gold designation, and now has moved into a higher level of recognition. The RP3 designation, which […]

Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day: March 18

This annual nationwide event is intended to build public awareness about the hard work done by the employees of natural gas utilities. On this day, we will also educate residents on the environmental, safety and cost benefits of using clean, reliable and affordable natural gas. Our customers recognize the need to access reliable, affordable, safe […]