The City of Argonia is looking for an individual who possesses the skills needed to lead the maintenance department as the Maintenance Supervisor. The essential functions for this position is monitoring the operation, maintenance and repairs of the natural gas system, wastewater system, water system, parks, streets, airport and cemetery. This will also include but not limited to meter reading for gas and water and maintain city equipment. The successful applicant will also be able to establish priorities on job assignments, completes necessary paperwork required by local, state and federal guidelines regulating the operation of the gas, water and wastewater treatment facilities. This employee shall earn and maintain state certifications as listed at the time of employment. Salary to be determined upon qualifications. Employee must be able to pass a drug screen. This position is applicable to FLSA and ADA. Applications can be obtained by contacting City Hall at 620-435-6417 or in person at 210 S. Main, Argonia, Ks. Applications can also be found on the city website www.cityofargonia.com under the employment opportunities section. Applications can also be emailed to Tara Pierce, City Clerk at argonia@sutv.com.

Mankato Receives Help Putting Up Christmas Decorations!

The City of Mankato, Kansas Utility Department welcomed the help of the Rock Hills Pack 46 Cub Scouts with the downtown Christmas Decorations! We Are #CommunityPowered

Storage, Production and Low Demand Keeping Natural Gas Prices in Check!

The NYMEX winter strip (Dec 2019-Mar 2020) dropped 16 cents over the trading dates of November 18th & 19th.  The average price for the winter strip on 11/19/19 posted at $2.513/MMBtu.  One year ago, the winter NYMEX strip averaged $4.351/MMBtu.

Daily index prices also fell during the past several trading periods.  Mid-continent daily index prices averaged $1.66/MMBtu.  NGPL traded for $0.62/MMBtu on 11/20/19.  The average daily index price for the mid-continent on November 20,  2018 was $4.298/MMBtu.

Drivers for seeing lower winter prices include storage inventory levels, record production and falling demand.  Going into the storage withdraw season (November 1st), storage levels were at a 15% surplus to year-ago levels.  Natural gas production continues to hit new highs.  Per Platts, total dry gas production has averaged 92.2 Bcf/d in November so far, up 5.4 Bcf compared to the levels observed during the same time last year.  Demand has also dropped off, largely driven by declines in gas usage for power generation.  With weather being mild across most of the U.S., demand for heat load has not yet played a factor in pricing.

City of Norton Accepting Application for Electric Lineperson

The City of Norton is accepting applications for the position of Electric Lineperson. Performs skilled and semi-skilled work in the construction, maintenance and repair of electric distribution system with ability to perform heavy manual labor and operate motorized equipment. Performs the more complex…

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City of Morrill Presented with Membership Plaque

The City of Morrill was presented with their KMEA membership plaque earlier this year.  Morrill is a North Central Kansas community who is looking towards KMEA to help guide them through future decisions related to their electric utility.  Welcome to the City of Morrill!

2019 KMEA/KMGA Annual Awards

KMEA Agency Explainer!