The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) requires all gas operators to adhere to regulations of the OQ Rule. Through the OQ Rule operators must develop an OQ Program, establish a covered task list applicable to their gas system, define the training and qualification requirements of personnel performing covered tasks on their pipeline facility, and ensure contractors, excavators and vendors comply with their OQ program. The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) performs an annual audit of every municipal’s OQ plan, program, procedures and training.
In 2018, personnel from several municipals and KMGA staff began the effort of creating a state-wide OQ Plan and Program that would meet the requirements of PHMSA and the KCC, as well as bringing municipals together for sharing knowledge, experience, and building relationships.
After many, many meetings and countless hours of reviewing, discussing, revising and modifying of information and procedures, a state-wide OQ Plan has been created.
On Monday, the final plan was provided to all municipals across Kansas that own their natural gas distribution system. This plan, along with regional training within the OQ groups, are free to all municipal personnel. For more information or questions regarding the OQ plan and training within the OQ groups please contact Dixie Riedel at 913-660-0230 or
The Kansas Municipal Utilities (KMU) Gas Committee has created a testing and tracking platform that can be used in conjunction with the state-wide OQ Plan. Regional meetings are being scheduled to discuss all things Gas OQ related. The meetings will include an overview on the Gas OQ standard, information on free regional training sessions that will begin in the fall, KMU’s Online Gas OQ Academy, and the GAS OQ Qualification School Aug 7-9, in McPherson. For more information on these meetings as well as upcoming training at KMU’s facilty contact Brian Meek at or call (620)241-1423.