Recognizing Your Capital Improvements

Capital Improvement picWith the 2013 Annual Conference, KMEA started what has now become a popular tradition – recognizing member cities’ capital improvements. Last year, we were honored to recognize Baldwin City’s city-wide water and electric meter upgrades, Garden City’s completion of several major projects, including construction of the Jameson Energy Center, Oberlin’s progress with their ongoing electrical infrastructure improvement plan, Garnett’s replacement of 100 city street lights with new, more efficient, LED lights, along with celebrating 100 years of generating electricity. We also had the privilege of recognizing Pratt’s project of overhauling their steam unit, and Russell’s retro-fitting three generating units and beginning a multi-year project to upgrade and improve reliability of their electrical distribution system.

KMEA is aware that many of you are continuously making improvements to your municipal systems and we would like to recognize those of you who have made capital improvements to the electric or gas utilities in your communities at our November 5-6 Annual Conference. Whether the capital improvements are new improvements just underway, project updates since last year or progress toward a multi-year project, we want to shine the light on you. Please help us by sending photographs and a clear description of your improvements to Patrick Ryan at by October 12th

SPP Website Improvements





KMEA recently attended an SPP presentation where it was announced that a vastly improved version of the SPP website is on the way with a go live date targeted for October 31st.  The project is touted as a major overhaul of the SPP website, and has been in testing for many months.

The primary purpose of SPP’s “Website Replacement Project” is to enhance the website’s content management, information architecture, functionality, search capability, aesthetics and overall end user experience.  The enhanced site will offer user profile and log in capabilities that will provide access to a number of resources and multiple Org Group Pages, which offer Org Group email exploder lists.  Additionally, the redesign will result in a comprehensive “clean up” of website content so accurate and current content is a couple of clicks away, and historical information is appropriately archived.  All content will follow a common folder system and a standard document naming convention, which will result in a more intuitive environment for end users.

Solar Energy – From the Archives


Interestingly, a news clipping about Solar Energy, preserved as a keepsake during the days of the Korean War, was recently shared with KMEA. Note the caption of the article from the Tuesday, April 7, 1953 Pacific Stars & Stripes publication, titled “Solar Energy Switch Hailed by Scientists.” Back in 1953, the solar energy conversion efficiency was very low, however, the concluding sentence of the article makes a rather prophetic statement: “The new method (solar energy) converts about 1 percent of the sunlight absorbed into chemical energy. But there is no obvious reason why the efficiency cannot be increased to such an extent that the method may become of economic importance.”

Today, the conversion rate is in the neighborhood of 25% and new technologies continue to emerge that could harvest more of the sun’s energy. The industry has been considering solar energy for decades and is still dealing with the “economic importance” issue.   We are thrilled to have APPA’s Paul Zummo as one of our featured speakers at the KMEA Annual Conference, who will be giving a solar presentation.

Solar Energy Photo



Rod Willis appointed to KMGA Executive Committee

Rod Willis Photo 9.1.15Rod Willis, City Manager for Osage City, was appointed as an at large member of the KMGA Executive Committee at the August 18th Executive Committee Meeting. Rod was appointed to fill Mike Gilliland’s unexpired term through May 2017. Rod brings a wealth of leadership and municipality experience. Prior to accepting the City Manager position for Osage City in June of 2014, Rod was the City Manager of Sterling for eight years. Additionally, Rod served on the city council and was the Mayor of Sterling for three terms. Rod is a worthy and welcome addition to the KMGA Executive Committee.

KMEA Introduces ShareFile

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KMEA is pleased to announce that a new application is available to its electric and gas members. In the near future you will be receiving an email with a link to allow you to access ShareFile. ShareFile is a document server that will allow KMEA to post documents for each city in a secure manner. Each city will be allowed as many users as they want with access to the system at no charge. Each member city will be given access to different areas of the system based on the projects the city belongs to. KMEA plans to use this system for a wide range of documents, from daily operational information and monthly meeting documents to billing invoices. Documents that might be too large to fit in an email attachment can be easily accommodated on the ShareFile system. It is our hope that this new system will create easier access for our members to retrieve information and documentation. Please feel free to send any questions to Neil Rowland (

Chris Weiner new City Administrator for Girard

Chris Weiner Photo

We wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate Chris Weiner who was recently appointed City Administrator for the City of Girard. Chris hails from southeast Kansas. Devoted to public service, Chris was the Assistant City Administrator of Cherryvale, Kansas prior to accepting the Girard City Manager position.

Additional areas of experience Chris brings to the table include grant writing, former member of the Sunflower Rails-Trails Conservancy (SRTC), current member of both the ICAM, the International City/County Management Association, and KACM, Kansas Association of Court Management. Chris graduated with a B.G.S. in Public Administration, minoring in Economics and Sociology from Kansas State. Please join us in congratulating Chris on his new position as Girard City Manager.

Chris Lowe Accepts New Position in Colorado

Chris LoweChris Lowe, Baldwin City Administrator and KMEA Executive Committee Vice President, recently announced that he has accepted the position of Town Manager of Monument, Colorado, a city of about 5,800, north of Colorado Springs. Baldwin City has been home to Chris and his family since July 2011, when he was hired as Baldwin City Administrator. Chris’ dedication and commitment to improving Baldwin City is evidenced by his long list of accomplishments. Numerous city revitalization projects were completed during Chris’ four years, including street reconstruction, expansion of the public library, upgrades to the municipal golf course, city parks and city power and sewer plants, just to name a few. Chris also improved the city’s finances and renegotiated the city’s wholesale water agreement with the city of Lawrence, reducing Baldwin City’s wholesale water rate by 25%.

In addition to his leadership and contributions to Baldwin City, Chris faithfully served on the KMEA Executive Committee from 2012 to 2015. This past May, he was elected to an officer position, as Vice President of the Executive Committee. Chris’ last official day in Baldwin City is September 21. Please join us in congratulating and extending our best wishes to Chris on his future success in Colorado.

Meet KMEA’s New General Manager

Paul PhotoHello, I’m Paul Mahlberg, your new General Manager here at KMEA/KMGA and I’d like to introduce myself and give you a little of my background. I’m originally from Harlan, Iowa – a community of approximately 5,000 people in the southwest part of the State. I attended college at Iowa State University and received a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering in 1988.

I got my career start in Columbus, Nebraska working for the engineering consulting firm R.W. Beck and Associates (which was eventually bought out by SAIC and then Leidos). At Beck, my work assignments were nearly all for municipal utilities and public power districts with a focus on cost of service and rate studies, economic feasibility analysis, risk analysis and other general consulting work. After 8 years at Beck, I moved to the City of Independence, Missouri working for their Power & Light Department. During my nearly 20 years at IPL, I worked in the areas of power supply planning, rates and operations and eventually moving into the Deputy Director position for the last six years with responsibilities to oversee the full operation of the utility.

I’ve been married to my beautiful wife, Susie, for over 26 years. She is from the small town of Earling, Iowa and also attended Iowa State University, receiving a degree in graphic design. Today, she works from home designing electronic newsletters. We have three daughters – our two oldest both recently took jobs in Colorado. Alyssa will start a new job in September working for an ad agency in Superior and Jenna just started her first job in Colorado Springs working as an occupational therapist. Our youngest, Annie, just started her third year of college working on an education degree. Outside of the office, Susie and I enjoy spending time with our families, working on home projects and following our favorite sports teams – Cyclones, Royals and Chiefs. Yes, I’ll admit it up front – none of the Kansas schools are on our favorite teams list, but we do root for the original Big Eight schools when they’re not playing the Cyclones.

On the more serious side, I’m very thankful for this opportunity to be your new General Manager and very excited to work with you and our staff to continue the successes of this organization and looking for ways for us to serve you in the best possible way. I hope to get to sit down with each of you in the near future so I can get to know you and your communities better.

In the meantime, feel free to give me a call if you would like to talk (913-660-0234 or


Power Factor Newsletter Evolves

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As you read this, hopefully the latest edition of the “Power Factor” newsletter has hit your email inbox. That’s right! “Power Factor” has been transformed into an e-newsletter. As an e-newsletter, we are moving to a more progressive news format; another step forward in our communication strategy. E-newsletters enable us to share updates more frequently and in a more timely fashion than the quarterly distribution of the past. Through our weekly website news blogs, you always have the opportunity to receive real time news every week, however, if you miss an update on the website, we will capture it for you in the “Power Factor” e-newsletter. Please note – if you did not receive the e-newsletter, it was by mistake due to an erroneous email address. It is very simple to subscribe, however. Simply scroll towards the bottom of the website Home page and enter your email address where it reads “Sign up for the Power Factor Newsletter.” If your incoming emails are automatically routed to specific categories such as primary, social and promotions, or you have spam or junk mail folders, you might take a look in these places first. The Power Factor e-newsletter was emailed Friday, August 7th.

Natural Gas Pricing

EIA’s storage report for the week ending July 31st showed an injection volume of 32 Bcf. The net injection was below expectations of a build between 41-45 Bcf; and tends to be one of the smallest, if not the smallest, injection of the year. The smaller injection is due to higher gas-fired electric generation demand. Natural gas accounts for about a quarter of the U.S. electricity generation.

Mid-continent daily index gas prices have been favorable over the past 30 days, averaging $2.677 per MMBtu. Analyst expect prices to remain below $2.70 per MMBtu as updated weather forecasting models indicated the hotter weather in the west, central and southern U.S. would give way to more moderate temperatures through August 20.

On August 6th the NYMEX futures contract average price for the 2015-16 winter (Nov 2015 – Mar 2016) was at $3.1012 per MMBtu. The NYMEX average price for the 2014-15 winter strip at the same time last year was at $4.121 per MMBtu.