Entries by KMEA

City of Norton Accepting Application for Electric Lineperson

The City of Norton is accepting applications for the position of Electric Lineperson. Performs skilled and semi-skilled work in the construction, maintenance and repair of electric distribution system with ability to perform heavy manual labor and operate motorized equipment. Performs the more complex… More Information

City of Morrill Presented with Membership Plaque

The City of Morrill was presented with their KMEA membership plaque earlier this year.  Morrill is a North Central Kansas community who is looking towards KMEA to help guide them through future decisions related to their electric utility.  Welcome to the City of Morrill!

Public Power Week October 6-12, 2019

Public power utilities across the U.S. celebrate Public Power Week the first full week of October every year to help customers and stakeholders understand how they can better engage with their community-owned utility and benefit from all its offering. Sample News Release Click here for additional resources from the American Public Power Association! We Are […]

Public Natural Gas Week: October 6-12, 2019

Public Natural Gas Week is a nationwide observance that offers the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your public natural gas system and generate enthusiasm about the benefits of public natural gas. This year, Public Natural Gas Week will be celebrated October 6-12, 2019. We hope that all KMGA member utilities join us in this […]

City of Washington, Electric Lineman Position

The City of Washington, Kansas, is accepting applications for Electric Lineman. The applicant must possess a valid Kansas Class B CDL; HS Diploma/GED; and, if certified, must submit a transcript of completion of technical training in line maintenance, construction and safety a line apprentice program certificate. Knowledge in overhead and underground distribution and transmission lines […]